The control you have over your life is likely to be important for health.
The Study
Evaluating the longer term impact for health inequalities.
Knowledge and research evidence for practice and communities
Graphic narratives
Visual accounts of health inequalities and local action by residents
Welcome to Communities in Control
The amount of control that people have over decisions affecting their lives is a factor affecting health and wellbeing. Yet individuals and groups living in more disadvantaged circumstances are less likely to have sufficient control over the decisions that affect them.
Now in its third phase, the Communities in Control study is a long term public health research programme that began in 2014. It aims to build evidence about approaches that empower local people to have more control and involvement in decisions taken about the places where they live, and the consequences of this for improving health and reducing health inequalities. The focus of the research is the place based programme Big Local, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and managed by Local Trust.
This website provides links to the evidence base for control and health, including resources related to the Communities in Control study. Browse, read, watch and download the content free of charge. The materials will be relevant to the public health workforce seeking to develop their practice, as well as members of the public involved with neighbourhood action. The website content will be updated regularly.
New to health inequalities and local action? Visit the graphics pages to read residents’ accounts of health issues in their neighbourhoods and actions being taken to improve their areas as places to live.