Graphic narratives
Health inequalities and local actionIn 2018, a graphic narratives booklet drawn by the artist Joe Decie was produced to share residents’ accounts of the issues that affect health inequalities in local areas. The illustrations also convey how groups of residents in England are taking action to improve the conditions that affect health in a neighbourhood such as transport or environment issues.
Thank you to everyone who contributed their ideas to the project. The illustrations were inspired by accounts of residents and community workers attending a workshop on health inequalities held in March 2018. The project was led by Emma Halliday (Lancaster University) in collaboration with Natasa Lackovic of ReOpen (Lancaster University’s Graphic Novel and Comic Network).
The project featured at the 2018 Lakes International Comic Art festival and the booklet was used in a Cabinet Office policy workshop with students. Read more about using the comics in practice in the Social Research Association’s Research Matters magazine (March 2019, p.8).
View the booklet as an online flippable booklet or download as a pdf document. Click on the individual illustrations to read about local accounts of health inequalities and examples of resident led actions in local neighbourhoods.
For further information contact Emma;
Illustrations © Joe Decie 2018.
Communities in Control Booklet
View or download this illustrated booklet.