

These pages provide resources developed from the Communities in Control study’s research and engagement activities.  Phases 1 and 2 produced learning on topics related to the processes, context and early impacts of Big Local.  These findings were used to produce topic based research summaries, videos, and journal articles for practitioners and residents.  

These topics will be added to over time so please check back.


Select each topic below in turn to see an overview, clicking the link under each to visit a topic.


⇒ Spaces and opportunities that place based programmes create for participation and extent this is inclusive​.



⇒ How place based funding acts as a mechanism for change in resident led decision making.


⇒ Markers of collective control – how residents gain more control to influence decisions or work together to improve things in their local area​.


⇒ How geographical areas are portrayed and the impact of this for residents living there.