
Outputs from the research.

Research summaries and articles

Egan, M., Abba, K., Barnes, A., Collins, M., McGowan, V., Ponsford, R., Scott, C., Halliday, E., Whitehead, M., Popay, J. 2021. Building collective control and improving health through a place-based community empowerment initiative: qualitative evidence from communities seeking agency over their built environment Critical Public Health, 11/03/2021.

Halliday, E., Brennan, L., Bambra, C. and Popay, J., 2021. ‘It is surprising how much nonsense you hear’: How residents experience and react to living in a stigmatised place. A narrative synthesis of the qualitative evidenceHealth & Place68, 102525.

McGowan, V.J., Akhter, N., Halliday, E., Popay, J., Kasmin, A. & Bambra, C. 2021, ‘Collective control, social-cohesion and health and wellbeing: Baseline survey results from the Communities in Control Study in England‘, Journal of Public Health; fdaa227.

Popay, J., Whitehead, M., Ponsford, R., Egan, M. and Mead, R., 2020. Power, control, communities and health inequalities I: theories, concepts and analytical frameworks. Health promotion international.

Ponsford, R., Collins, M., Egan, M., Halliday, E., Lewis, S., Orton, L., Powell, K., Barnes, A., Salway, S., Townsend, A. and Whitehead, M., 2020. Power, control, communities and health inequalities. Part II: measuring shifts in power. Health promotion international.

Powell, K., Barnes, A., Anderson de Cuevas, R., Bambra, C., Halliday, E., Lewis, S., McGill, R., Orton, L., Ponsford, R., Salway, S. and Townsend, A., 2020. Power, control, communities and health inequalities III: participatory spaces—an English case. Health promotion international.

Halliday, E, Collins, M, Egan , M, Ponsford, R, Scott, C & Popay, J 2020, ‘A ‘strategy of resistance’? How can a place-based empowerment programme influence local media portrayals of neighbourhoods and what are the implications for tackling health inequalities?’, Health and Place, vol. 63, 102353. 

Townsend A, Abraham C, Barnes A, Collins M, Halliday E, Lewis S et al. “I realised it weren’t about spending the money. It’s about doing something together”: the role of money in a community empowerment initiative and the implications for health and wellbeing. Social Science and Medicine. 2020 Sep 1;260. 113176.  

McGowan V, Wistow J, Lewis S, Popay J, Bambra C. Pathways to mental health improvement in a community-led area-based empowerment initiative: Evidence from the Big Local ‘Communities in Control’ study, England. Journal of Public Health. 2019, Epub ahead of print.

Orton, L, Ponsford R, Egan M, Halliday E, Whitehead, M & Popay, J, Capturing complexity in the evaluation of a major area-based initiative in community empowerment: what can a multi-site, multi team, ethnographic approach offer?, Anthropology & Medicine. 2019 26:1, 48-64 

Halliday, E, Popay, J, Anderson De Cuevas, R and Wheeler, P, The elephant in the room? Why spatial stigma doesn’t receive the public health attention it deserves. Journal of Public Health. 2018 December 20th, (e-pub advance) 

Ponsford R, Halliday E, Collins M, Egan M, Scott C, Popay J. Area reputation as an under-acknowledged determinant of health inequalities: evidence from a systems evaluation of a major community empowerment initiative in EnglandThe Lancet. 2018 Nov;392(Suppl. 2). S72.

Lewis S, Bambra C, Barnes A, Halliday E, Orton L, Ponsford R, Powell K, Salway SM, Townsend A, Whitehead M, Popay J. Reframing “participation” and “inclusion” in public health policy and practice to address health inequalities: evidence from a major resident-led neighbourhood improvement initiative. Health and Social Care in the Community (e-publication ahead of print). 2018. ​ 

Reynolds, J. Boundary work: understanding enactments of ‘community’ in an area-based, empowerment initiative. Critical Public Health 2018: 28(2), 201-212. 

Reynolds, J, Missing out’: Reflections on the positioning of ethnographic research within an evaluative framing. Ethnography, 2017: 18(3), 345-365. 

Orton L, Halliday E, Collins M, Egan M, Lewis S, Ponsford, R, Powell K, Salway SM,Townsend A, Whitehead M, Popay J. Putting context centre stage: evidence from a systems evaluation of an area based empowerment initiative in England. Critical Public Health. 2016;27(4): 477-489. 

 Reynolds, J. Egan, M, Renedo, A, and Petticrew, M. Conceptualising the ‘community’ as a recipient of money–A critical literature review, and implications for health and inequalities. Social Science & Medicine. 2015 143: 88-97. 

Big Local and health inequalities: An update from the Communities in Control study Phase 2. January 2018 CiC Research Update Phase 2

CiC research summary #1: How is collective control developing among residents involved in the Big Local programme? CiC Summary #1 Collective Control final

CiC research summary #2: The role of money in a place based programme   the Big Local programme?  CiC Summary #2 Money final

CiC research summary #3: How social context influences resident led action in a place based programme CiC Summary #3 Social Context final

CiC research summary #4: ‘Spaces for resident participation’ in the Big Local programme CiC Summary #4 Spaces for participation final

CiC research summary #5: How are communities improving area reputation in the Big Local programme? CiC summary #5 Improving area reputation final

CiC research summary #6: Reviewing local newspaper coverage of Big Local areas CiC summary #6 Newspaper portrayals final


Events, talks and national coverage

Challenging the Community Gaze in Public Health: power, assets and health equity, The Grand Conference of the Centre for research in Public Health (CreSP), Montreal Canada, 26 January 2021,  Jennie Popay Lancaster University UK

Spaces for Community Action. ARVAC Conference. November 2018.

‘Not making decisions on our behalf’ Empowering communities to tackle health inequalities. FUSE Event. Newcastle. January 2018. FUSE Open Blog 

ESRC Festival of Social Science: How can communities challenge neighbourhood stigma? November 2017. London  ESRC neighbourhood stigma report

‘Does community empowerment have the potential to impact health? Public Health England conference. September 2017. Community Empowerment PHE poster final

Million Dollar Cheque. How communities are taking control for better health.  Lancaster University public lecture series. 

ESRC Festival of Social Science 2016: What is collective control for communities. November 2016. Salford. ESRC Festival of Science Control Blog


‘I’ve read Asterix and The Beano’ : using comics in health inequalities research. SRA Research Matters, March 2019, p. 8.

Local Trust,. Report from St George’s House Gathering. December 2018.

Public Health England, Health matters: community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing February 2018

People’s Health Trust, The Positive Portrayal of Neighbourhoods 8 February 2018

Local Trust,Submission response to the House of Lords Committee on Citizenship and Civic Engagement September 2017

CiC included as one of 100 examples of positive impact and change from NIHR’s research.  Available at: The National Institute for Health Research at 10 years: An impact synthesis -100 Impact case studies